Which is the most popular social networking site in India? Its not Facebook, its Orkut. Comscore in its latest report tracked the top social networking sites in India, and found that global social networking brands like Orkut, Facebook, hi5, LinkedIn and MySpace continued to gain prominence in India during the year.
They elaborate that Orkut is the most visited social networking site in India this December 2008 with more than 12.8 million visitors, an increase of 81 percent from the previous year. In fact Orkut’s audience is three times its nearest competitor Facebook.
Facebook is second most popular Indian social networking site with 4 million visitors, up 150 percent versus year ago. The third most popular social networking site is … surprise … Bharatstudent, with 3.3 million visitors (up 88 percent) followed by hi5 with 2 million visitors (up 182 percent).
Other popular networking sites in India featured in the list in descending order are ibibo, Myspace, LinkedIn, PerfSpot, BigAdda and Fropper. Now you have more sites to check out and track your friends.
I remember an earlier article tracking the most popular social networks around the world, which suggested that LinkedIn might be the most popular social network in India, but watchful QOT readers Quakeboy and Rajesh had commented even then that Orkut was the most popular one!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Which is the most popular social networking site in India?

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